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Added on January 31, 2018 9:07PM
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Replies: 3
Hi...I am getting below error while trying to connect to DSS. It was working fine earlier.
Could not connect to DSS server
Please ask your administrator to check if the DSS server backend is running.
Unknown error
HTTP code: 502, type: Gateway error
Kindly check and help!
Restart the DSS server by following commands::
1) go to dss directory in the dss server ( cd dss )
2) ./bin/dss stop
3) ./bin/dss start
now access the DSS UI from the host browser localhost:10000.
If that does not work, Needs to wait for some 5-10 mins and hit the url again( since, the DSS server does take some time to settle down before accepting any connections from the port 10000).