November 2021 Community Release

Michael Grayson
Michael Grayson Administrator, Dataiker, Alpha Tester, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Community Team Posts: 298 Administrator

Welcome to the November Community Release! This month we have launched a new page centred on welcoming new members to the community. This page can be found here and serves as a great overview of the value of the Community.


The page includes a run down of our community programs - as well as being a great place to meet the team:


Did we miss anything? What would you most like to have known when you first arrived? Let us know!

Sign up to take part!

The Community is just better when you are signed up! So to encourage more users to get in on a good thing we are launching our new ‘Sign up to take part’ banner. Non logged in users will see this banner that informs them about the basic value of membership and directs to the above welcome page if they want to learn more!


What first made you want to sign up?

Unanswered Improvements

This month we took aim at improving the experience for those users kind enough to help others out with their Dataiku questions.
We have refreshed the design of the ‘unanswered’ tab in activity feeds, ensuring that only content seeing answers is displayed.

Group hub navigation

We have made some changes to group hub navigation - so now it’s easier than ever to take part in our user groups! Check if we have one in your area and get involved!


Setup Info
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