Multi Level Sankey Diagram

Hi Team,
How can we create multilevel sankey diagram if we have multiple columns, I see in the plugin we do see only source and destination columns.
Sarina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 318 Dataiker
Hi @AkshayArora1
For more complex Sankey diagrams, I would suggest using a Python notebook. You can then save your Sankey chart as an insight to add to a dashboard or otherwise use. Here's an example using the Sankey Python method outlined in this blog post. I used this example and am attaching a Python notebook that you can import into DSS to test out this Python implementation.You can try it out by going to Notebooks > New notebook > Upload and upload the attached notebook (you'll need to replace the input with your sankey input dataset). The notebook uses the insight api to save the sankey chart as an insight, which you can then add to dashboards, as you can with charts.
Here's an example, where my input dataset is "sankey_multi_test" and looks like this:Using the code from the blog post:, I create the following notebook code to load in my dataset "sankey_multi_test" and write out an insight of the sankey diagram. Here is the full code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import dataiku import pandas as pd, numpy as np from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu import plotly from dataiku import insights # Read recipe inputs sankey = dataiku.Dataset("sankey_multi_test") sankey_df = sankey.get_dataframe() sankeychart_df = sankey_df # credit to def genSankey(df,cat_cols=[],value_cols='',title='Sankey Diagram'): # maximum of 6 value cols -> 6 colors colorPalette = ['#2ab1ac','#e038e3','#FFE873','#70dd1d','#671ddd'] labelList = [] colorNumList = [] for catCol in cat_cols: labelListTemp = list(set(df[catCol].values)) colorNumList.append(len(labelListTemp)) labelList = labelList + labelListTemp # remove duplicates from labelList labelList = list(dict.fromkeys(labelList)) # define colors based on number of levels colorList = [] for idx, colorNum in enumerate(colorNumList): colorList = colorList + [colorPalette[idx]]*colorNum # transform df into a source-target pair for i in range(len(cat_cols)-1): if i==0: sourceTargetDf = df[[cat_cols[i],cat_cols[i+1],value_cols]] sourceTargetDf.columns = ['source','target','count'] else: tempDf = df[[cat_cols[i],cat_cols[i+1],value_cols]] tempDf.columns = ['source','target','count'] sourceTargetDf = pd.concat([sourceTargetDf,tempDf]) sourceTargetDf = sourceTargetDf.groupby(['source','target']).agg({'count':'sum'}).reset_index() # add index for source-target pair sourceTargetDf['sourceID'] = sourceTargetDf['source'].apply(lambda x: labelList.index(x)) sourceTargetDf['targetID'] = sourceTargetDf['target'].apply(lambda x: labelList.index(x)) # creating the sankey diagram data = dict( type='sankey', node = dict( pad = 15, thickness = 20, line = dict( color = "black", width = 0.5 ), label = labelList, color = colorList ), link = dict( source = sourceTargetDf['sourceID'], target = sourceTargetDf['targetID'], value = sourceTargetDf['count'] ) ) layout = dict( title = title, font = dict( size = 10 ) ) fig = dict(data=[data], layout=layout) return fig fig = genSankey(sankeychart_df,cat_cols=['lvl1', 'lvl2', 'lvl3', 'lvl4'],value_cols='count',title='My Sankey test') insights.save_plotly("my-sankey-chart", fig)
Now if I navigate to Insights, I see my sankey test chart:I hope that information is helpful.
Thank you,