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Added on August 30, 2021 3:01PM
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Hi Team,
I have a use case which is, I have a column with 20 unique variables and I want to run a flow which is consisting of a filter recipe which filters the rows for each unique variable and then the filtered dataset should be fed as input into the clustering recipe and then winning model output should be saved as the output and all the outputs has to be appended. The same process should be done for every unique variable within the dataset. I have seen the declaration of the global and local variables etc.. can you please walk me through these steps on how we can automate them. For better understanding I am giving an example below:
The below is the original dataset
step 1:
Dataset A Dataset B
name counts => name counts
wet. 45 Filtered based on the wet 45
tree. 30 count records tree 30
yard. 10 (counts > 10)
step 2: From here the flow should run for every row in the dataset B
name counts (Implement the clustering deploy the winning model
wet 45 recipe) output 1
name counts (Implement the clustering deploy the winning model
tree 30 recipe) output 2
the output dataset we can append all the outputs in the same dataset.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Thanks in advance !