Test Failed (Project Gutenberg - Text analysis with plugin course)
Hi all,
I'm trying to import a book using the project Gutenberg plugin as described in (https://academy.dataiku.com/natural-language-processing-with-visual-tools-open/513304)
When I use any of the mirrors as listed and use any book identifier (here 1661) I get the following error:
Test failed: Failed to read from python dataset : <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'> : [Errno None] None: 'http://aleph.gutenberg.org//1/6/6/1661/1661.txt'
Im running my own VM dataiku instance dss.9.0.1 with the plugin on a dedicated code env.
I have not been able to find any other posts related to this issue so far
Alexandru Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 1,211 Dataiker
Looks like http://aleph.gutenberg.org/1/6/6/1661/1661.txt Does not exists. Instead the file is available :
Can you try using the book identifier as 1661-0 instead? Let me know if that works for you.
Kind Regards,
Hi @grnspl
,The plugin has been updated on the store to fix this, so you can now update the version of the plugin on your DSS instance and have it work successfully.