February 2021 Community News

CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

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Celebrating Our First Year

This week we are celebrating the one year anniversary since the public launch of the Dataiku Community. Celebrate with us as we highlight some of our most popular posts, content, and users, learn about how we have been using VR to bring people together and more!

Measuring a Year in the Dataiku Community

As we celebrate the first official anniversary of the Dataiku Community, we ask, rhetorically of course, how do you measure a year? Check out a new video sharing thanks from Dataiku, highlighting some of the community’s top users, and more!
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Dataiku Insider Days...in VR!

From February 3-5 we met with our Dataiku Neurons in virtual reality for Dataiku Insider Days (DID). The event was not only designed to be a fun immersive experience, but also to bring them exclusive content on Dataiku DSS, the Community, and opportunities to exchange with peers on topics of interest.

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Highlights from the Community

What’s new in the Community?

Check out what is new in the Dataiku Community with the January 2021 Community Release.
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Community Feedback Board

Introducing the Community Feedback Board, the best place to share (and track) your ideas for how we can improve the Community. Post your ideas, comment on others, and get feedback!
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What you may have missed in the Community this year

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