Creating a GeoPoint with a specific coordinate system

UserBird Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 535 Dataiker
When creating a GeoPoint from 2 columns LAT/LONG, there is no option to choose the coordinate system. I have a dataset with LAT/LONG in Lambert-93 coordinate system (French geographical standard). But creating a GeoPoint from these columns results in null values.


  • Clément_Stenac
    Clément_Stenac Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered Posts: 753 Dataiker
    The "Create Geopoint" processor indeed only accepts "real" latitude and longitude, in degrees (in other words, in WGS84 / EPSG 4326 coordinates).

    However, a Geopoint is just a string, so you can easily do what you want by using a formula to concatenate the columns as desired

    'POINT(' + lon + ',' + lat + ')'

    (where "lon" and "lat" are the names of your input columns)
  • Thomas_1
    Thomas_1 Registered Posts: 1 ✭✭✭✭
    I tried using your formula, it's generates the following
    and when running "change CRS", I end up with
    Error while running a script step
    Expected number but found ','
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