How to write from pandas Dataframe to PostgreSQL with a geometry type
Hello, In my python receipt, I would like to write in my PostreSQL database (with PostGis extension) data with a geometry type. Therefore, I declared a schema and created my table with this specific schema schema = [{"name": 'id', "type": 'int'}, {"name": 'value', "type": 'string'}, {"name": 'the_geom', "type":…
How to cluster geo-points according to their pairwise distances
I have a table with 5 columns: point_id (Integer); postal_code (Integer); latitude (Decimal); longitude (Decimal); geoLatLon (GeoPoint) 1. I would like to calculate the pairwise distances between these points according to my formula (par exemple, haversine distance) 2. Group these points into given number of clusters (for…
GeoPoint in charts from MySQL database not recognised as GeoPoint?
Hi, I've extracted both GeoPoints from the remote IP recipe and by buiding a GeoPoint from the Lat/Long method. I save my data in a MySQL based database but whenever I try to plot these datapoints on the scatter map, the scatter map does not recognise these data fields as GeoPoint, even when enforced meaning as GeoPoint is…
Creating "distance from store"
Hi Team, I working for a client which has multiple stores around the country. My client offers a loyalty program. I have the home address for all loyalty members, and of course the street address of all stores. I would like measure the distance from each clients address to the nearest store. What is the best way to do that…
Issue with reverse geocoding
Hello, I have a colum of GeoPoints whent I try to reverse geocode the feature this error appears : Oops: an unexpected error occured If this happens again, please use Feedback to tell us more about what you were doing. Handler processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:…
Missing country in validation step
It appears that "Caribbean Netherlands" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caribbean_Netherlands) is missing from the list of valid countries. Can you correct this? Generally, many countries, especially in the Caribbean, have "alternate" spellings. Having to filter for each of these, while bearable, causes unnecessary steps. I…
Creating a GeoPoint with a specific coordinate system
When creating a GeoPoint from 2 columns LAT/LONG, there is no option to choose the coordinate system. I have a dataset with LAT/LONG in Lambert-93 coordinate system (French geographical standard). But creating a GeoPoint from these columns results in null values.
Trouble with Reverse Geocoding
Hello, I'm asked to install the plugin for Geocoding. But after installation of the plugins ERSI et I have the same problem : DSS ask me to install the plugins again. Best regards! Alex
How to : Coloring Geo Linestring in the map ?
Hello, I would like to know when coloring a map (scatter map for example) if it's possible to color all the linestring and not only the centroid of the linestring ? In my case I would like to : * color the line between the 2 coordinates : LINESTRING(-74.008325 40.703813,-74.0084084 40.7038846) * but the tool is coloring…
Is there an alternative to MapQuest tiles?
I was following a tutorial on Drawing the San Francisco Crime Map, and the output for the web app is displaying that MapQuest discontinued direct tile access. Is there an alternative already in place for this?