Cannot install permission denied
Registered Posts: 4 ✭✭✭✭
I try to install DSS on Ubuntu 16.04. First attempt to run the installer return missing depedencies. I run
sudo -i "/opt/dataiku-dss-4.0.1/scripts/install/"
and the retry
./ -d /home/raphael/configs/ -p 11000
tis return "permission denied" errors eg :
Sorry [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/dataiku-dss-4.0.1/python/dataiku/__init__.pyc.139714356390000'
and running the script as root returns "dataiku doesn't support root execution". I'm new to ubuntu and i feel like I miss something obvious but I didn't find anything in the documentation.
Best Answer
This is interesting !
Did you unarchive dataiku-dss-4.0.1 tarball as root ?
Is it possible to have the output of the command
ls -lrtR /opt/dataiku*Finally you can fix your issue by running
sudo chown -R dataiku: /opt/dataiku-dss-4.0.1/
Please let us know if the permission were correct since the beginning so we can investigate the origin of this issue.
Yes I unarchived dataiku using sudo tar xzf dataiku-dss-4.0.1.tar.gz -C /opt/
Running your command assume I've created a dataiku user right ? which I didn't -
the user can be any generic user as long as it's not a superuser , this is the user you are willing to run dss with as running the application as root is not allowed.
So basically if the 1007 id is the user you are supposed to run DSS with you are good .
if it's not then you 'll have to `sudo chown -R $yourdssuser: /opt/dataiku-dss-4.0.1/ ` -
thanks !