Introducing the Dataiku Neurons

LisaB Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 208 Dataiker
edited June 2024 in What's New

@tgb417, @ben_p, @Marlan… These names might sound familiar if you’ve been around the Dataiku Community?

They’re our top contributors, helping users by answering questions in the Discussions, sharing their knowledge in User Groups and online events, and giving us feedback to grow the experience.

We’re delighted to recognize them today with a dedicated ambassador program, the Dataiku Neurons!

Why the Neurons?

The objective of the program is to acknowledge their invaluable contribution to the community, and reward them with unique experiences.

We’ll be providing them with more opportunities to develop and share their expertise in Dataiku DSS and data science, including special training and content on topics of interest, exclusive events, close access to Dataiku teams such as our Product team, and some other fun surprises!

Neurons favicon.pngOn the Community, you will now be able to recognize them thanks to this special favicon, which will appear next to their profile. You will also see them participating in User Groups and online events, creating more opportunities for exchange. Feel free to reach out to any of them if you’re seeing a common topic of interest below!

Get to know them!

started using Dataiku DSS in 2017, back when it was only version 3. Tom is a data analyst helping non-profit organizations around the world better understand their stakeholders through data. He does so by bringing his agile project leader and group facilitator skills, as he did with the community to share best practices for remote work and continues on an ongoing basis in the New York User Group.

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is based in Poland, working as a Customer Analytics & Insights Analyst at Pfizer Inc. Dataiku DSS helps him shape his input before jumping into Tableau for visualization. You can reach out to him to discuss anything related to wrangling and how to make the data speak for itself to everyone!

is Technical Lead at Generali, helping users create and deliver their data science projects. Mixing her expertise in Dataiku DSS with a strong business acumen, she is fostering exchanges between French users in the Paris User Group, for instance regarding operationalization.

develops healthcare related predictive models for Premera, a health insurance company in the US. Skilled across the end-to-end data process in Dataiku DSS, he enjoys sharing what he’s learned with fellow users, for instance on
using the DSS Python API for working with SQL databases.


is helping users from a large Dutch Bank onboard and leverage Dataiku DSS. Marc’s technical skills include data analysis, Machine Learning, and developing software applications - so he’s your go-to person for anything geeky!

is a data scientist and software engineer at Pfizer Inc, based in New York. He’s passionate about working on creating Machine Learning models and web applications that help change patients' lives. Feel free to reach out to him with any open source project, or to chat anything related to the community!

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is Data Analyst at Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter Array (ALMA) Observatory in Chile. He focuses on building a data-centric culture within the organization through facilitating data access and collaboration on Dataiku DSS. Join the online event on November 5th to learn more and exchange live!

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is heading the data science team at UK-based online retail company MandM Direct. He’s keeping a laser focus on providing actionable insights from the data, as he shared regarding predictive customer analytics.

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is heading the data science practice at Axis Group, helping their customers tackle their more challenging analytics problems. You can ask him about integrating Snowflake with Dataiku DSS, the New York User Group he’s co-leading with Tom, or anything related to working with Python in DSS.

What’s next?

New members will periodically be added to the program based on ongoing contribution to the Community!

If you’d like to take part, you can start answering questions to help fellow users, completing the Learning Paths to certify your DSS skills, as well as participating in User Groups and online events to share your knowledge with fellow users.

For any questions on the program, feel free to reach out to @LisaB


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