How can I create predictions for date

UserBird Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 535 Dataiker

I want to predict solds for the next year. I have dates and I parsed them and I filtered for the year 2013.

I want to predict for the year 2014. When I stay to create model learning, I have the error :

Training Failed… Sorry

ufunc subtract cannot use operands with types dtype('



  • jereze
    jereze Alpha Tester, Dataiker Alumni Posts: 190 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can extract date components (day of month, day of week, month, year,...) from a parsed date, and set these new columns as features. And, as a target, you keep the "sales" column.

    After the model is trained (and deploy in the Flow), you will need to create a new dataset on which you can apply the model. This dataset can have the dates of next year.

    You can learn from our webminars:

    I hope that helps,
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