R integration fails on OSX

ryanfitz Registered Posts: 1 ✭✭✭✭

Similar to another question from over a year ago...

Installation fails on

In install.packages(pkg, repos = repos, contriburl = ) :

installation of package ‘rzmq’ had non-zero exit status

Execution halted

However to the previous response that points you here: https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/installation/r.html

So I manually installed IRkernel but now installs an IRkernel depends on alternate zmq library... pbdZMQ. So it still fails...

See my installed packages below.

> ip <- as.data.frame(installed.packages()[,c(1,3:4)])

> rownames(ip) <- NULL

> ip <- ip[is.na(ip$Priority),1:2,drop=FALSE]

> print(ip, row.names=FALSE)

Package Version

assertthat 0.1

BH 1.60.0-2

chron 2.3-47

crayon 1.3.2

curl 2.1

data.table 1.9.6

DBI 0.5-1

devtools 1.12.0

digest 0.6.10

dplyr 0.5.0

evaluate 0.9

git2r 0.15.0

httr 1.2.1

IRdisplay 0.4.4

IRkernel 0.7

jsonlite 1.1

lazyeval 0.2.0

magrittr 1.5

memoise 1.0.0

mime 0.5

openssl 0.9.4

pbdZMQ 0.2-4

R6 2.2.0

Rcpp 0.12.7

repr 0.9


rstudioapi 0.6

stringi 1.1.2

stringr 1.1.0

tibble 1.2

uuid 0.1-2

whisker 0.3-2

withr 1.0.2



  • pbertin
    pbertin Dataiker Posts: 27 Dataiker
    Hi ryanfitz

    could it be an older version of DSS? There was indeed a packaging change in the upstream version of IRKernel, which changed the underlying ZeroMQ library from rzmq to pbdzmq.

    We have integrated this change in DSS 3.1.2. Installing R integration on this version or a later one should work seamlessly - do not hesitate to report back in case of further problem.

    Patrice Bertin
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