Want to filter records in dataset for past 3 weeks using scenario
On output dataset (CSV file) how can I apply filter to fetch only last 3 weeks records and send a email on every weekend. I need to also highlight records within dataset with warning if the error column value is > 90. Do I need to write python recipe for it or their is some other way to do it?
Dataiku deployment on Kubernetes Cluster
I have general question related to the Dataiku in a Kubernetes Cluster. It is more to verify if my understanding is correct. Please correct me in case I am wrong. In general: * To use Dataiku in a Kubernetes Cluster we first have to create a base image (https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/apinode/kubernetes/index.html).…
Dataiku api designer test quirey issue
Failed: Failed to run function : <class 'requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema'> : [Errno None] None: 'None'
instalation WordCloud
Hello, i use Dataiku version 12 of my company, how can i download WordCloud in my code env for data text
Outer Join "Not available with this engine"
Hello everyone I have two datasets that are imported from my PC, so they are not stored on any database. Currently, I am trying to outer join those two data sets; however, I am having this option disabled and showing an error saying: "Not available with this engine". Is there anyone way to overcome this error, or at least…
Duplicate removal
how can i remove duplicate row based on single column without python code
How to ingnore the Identity Column of SQL Server table in Dataiku
I have the SQL Server datasets as below TableSource has 2 columns [Name] string, [Address] string from connection 1 TableDest has 3 columns [Id] int identity, [Name], [Address] from connection 2 How to import data from TableSource to TableDest on Dataiku? Note: the connection1 and connection2 are on different SQL servers.
How to use selenium chrome driver in python recipe by authenticating thorugh digital cert
I need step by step help with installing chrome driver. I have already installed package selenium in my code env lets assume the name of the Code Env is "web_reports". Please provide the dependencies or guide to open an URL by authenticating via digital certificate. I want to download some reports from that website using…
What is globalExplanationsTopImportances ? How is it calculated?
I'm using the API to retrieve the following information for an regression model. details.get_performance_metrics()['globalExplanationsTopImportances'] This returns a dictionary list of dictionaries with keys and "s" and "d" as follows [{s:"Feature1",d:0.25},{s:"Feature2",d:0.15}] What value is given as d? What are the…
Develop Shiny app in code studio before deployment
Is it possible to use a code studio to take advantage of autocomplete, plugins, etc in order to create an RShiny app and then deploy it as a webapp? Specifically I would like to use RStudio. If so how would I do this