How to return current date and not time
data set full of jobs and each job has a start date, so I want to create a formula that says filter out my data where my start date hasn't happened yet / less than the current date. The issue I'm having is when I create my now() function it gives me the current date and time, I only need the current date in a parsed date…
Renaming the output dataset of SQL Script and its impact to the script
It's common to realize there is a better naming for a dataset, or a name for a dataset to require revision after further adjustments made elsewhere in the workflow. In such an instant, I renamed the output dataset (which is a table in SQL Database) in Dataiku. The initial name was "backend" and I updated it to…
How to ad leading 0s
I have a column called minutes and that can range from 0 - 60, what I'm trying to do is add a leading 0 to the single digit values, ex 9 = 09, so that no matter what my value is always 2 digits long, is that possible? and if so, how would I accomplish that? Operating system used: windows
Dataiku dss cli
How do I access the dataiku dsscli for running a cli command on a conda environment ?
dataset.build() doesn't work for streaming python recipe output dataset
I was trying to start a job in order to build the dataset, whose recipe parent is a very simple streaming python recipie. It doesn't throw any error but doesnt build the dataset as well But same works fine with a normal python recipe and I'm able to build a dataset. is there any way i can achieve the same for a streaming…
out of range error joining 2 datasets
I have 2 datasets that I'm trying to left join using a contains. but when I try to join them, I'm getting a string index out of bounds error, does this have something to do with the sized of my data source? I noticed that when I limit me left data source to 5 rows the join works fine, but when I use the full data, I get…
Want to filter records in dataset for past 3 weeks using scenario
On output dataset (CSV file) how can I apply filter to fetch only last 3 weeks records and send a email on every weekend. I need to also highlight records within dataset with warning if the error column value is > 90. Do I need to write python recipe for it or their is some other way to do it?
Dataiku deployment on Kubernetes Cluster
I have general question related to the Dataiku in a Kubernetes Cluster. It is more to verify if my understanding is correct. Please correct me in case I am wrong. In general: * To use Dataiku in a Kubernetes Cluster we first have to create a base image (https://doc.dataiku.com/dss/latest/apinode/kubernetes/index.html).…
Dataiku api designer test quirey issue
Failed: Failed to run function : <class 'requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema'> : [Errno None] None: 'None'
instalation WordCloud
Hello, i use Dataiku version 12 of my company, how can i download WordCloud in my code env for data text