Using Dataiku
- Hello everyone, I have an issue while constructing excel with python recipe. I need to use precise packages (xlsxwriter, xlwings, openpyxl and so on) that work very well in Anaconda.But in Dataiku pyt…Last answer by VICKY DANIELLE
hello @User ,
please have you find the solution for this problem ? beacuase I have the same issue.
Thank you
Last answer by VICKY DANIELLEhello @User ,
please have you find the solution for this problem ? beacuase I have the same issue.
Thank you
- Hello, I would like to convert numbers in scientific fromat (1,5E7 for example) in a number format (1 500 000,00). Does someone know how to do that ? Thank you !Last answer by Turribeach
The first problem that you have is that is not a number, it's a string as shown in your screen shot. Someone has locked the meaning as well, which is not usually required (read more about storage types and meanings here). So as a first step convert your string into a number. The use the convert number format processor in a Prepare recipe to change the format.
Last answer by TurribeachThe first problem that you have is that is not a number, it's a string as shown in your screen shot. Someone has locked the meaning as well, which is not usually required (read more about storage types and meanings here). So as a first step convert your string into a number. The use the convert number format processor in a Prepare recipe to change the format.
- When building datasets I have seen that, on changes to the schema given by the recipe, the dataset is fully overwritten, data and all. This means that, when a recipe suddenly does not return the corre…Last answer byLast answer by SanderVW
For me it's under Administration⇒Settings⇒Engines & Flow⇒Flow build⇒Schema incompatibilities⇒Auto-accept schema changes at end of flow. I am on 12.3.1 if that matters.
It was disabled originally but enabling it did not change anything unfortunately. Should DSS be restarted after changes to this? Whether enabled or disabled it still overwrites the data without giving an error message. - Hey everyone! I created one Pivot Table as an Insight to include it in my Dashboard. The Dataset has a date column. It is parsed correctly and the Insight has recognised the field as date. In the data…Last answer byLast answer by annechristo
@Dataiku I have the same issue. I have a pivot table with date on rows and would like to sort it in descending order. I have the data in snowflake datatset and hence when trying to add a sort recipe it gives the warning that the sort is useless because the dataset doesn't preserve the order. Can you please add the functionality to sort pivot tables by rows and also charts by both axes? Thank you!
- Hi, I need to be able to set importLibrariesFromProjects using Python, is this possible? thx Operating system used: Windows10Solution bySolution by Turribeach
Here you go:
import dataiku import json client = dataiku.api_client() project = client.get_default_project() library = project.get_library() # Read external-libraries.json external_libraries_json = json.loads(library.get_file("/external-libraries.json").read()) # Append project key into importLibrariesFromProjects property external_libraries_json['importLibrariesFromProjects'].append('PROJECT_KEY') # Write external-libraries.json library.get_file("/external-libraries.json").write(json.dumps(external_libraries_json, indent=2))
- I have a main question and as part of my solution to it I have a follow up question: Main question: I have a column in my time series data (let's call it status) that is populated with on/ off binary …Last answer byLast answer by Zaman
Here is the data.
so the time is in 5 min increments. I want to have a cloumn for the number of "days" since last time valve was open.
in this data first open is in line 169 and bunch of opens in the same day (Sep 28 2020) . then it goes to line 58788 when the next open is in April 20 2021. so the new column should be zero for all rows in Sep 28 2020 and goes up by one each day till 211 for April 19 2021 and then zero again April 20 - When I look at a connection in the settings password, this one is hide. But when I use the python API with: conn = dataiku.get_connection('my_con_name') conn.conn_details['params']['password'] It look…Last answer by
- Hello, I'm trying to append data to my SQL table, but using the DSS recipe (Sync, Prepare), the SQL table is dropped and overwritten. Is there a way to only append? ThanksLast answer by
- In Version Control, I tried to create a branch while duplicating the project. However i encounter the following problem: There seems to be a reference to an old code env, that doesn't exist anymore. H…Last answer byLast answer by Turribeach
Right I didn't mean to say it doesn't work but that it's highly impractical and effectively useless. First you need to do your merge outside of Dataiku which means your users need to know how to use another tool, understand how Git work, etc. But secondly and more importantly you will not be able to see changes properly since all Dataiku objects are stored as JSON files. This means for instance that code recipes are very hard to merge as you are not looking at code you are looking at a JSON file. Even for visual recipes the JSON structure can easily become very complex. But the most important issue is that you will easily end up with a corrupted/broken objects/project doing a merge and dealing with conflicts. This is because your Git conflict resolution will not have any view on leaving you with an inconsistent flow or invalid recipes. And since you don't really know the correct structure of each JSON file you have no way of knowing how to merge conflicts for them.
So yeah it "works" in a small test but in real life it doesn't. You have been warned. - Hi all, I'm using the API connect plugin to connect to an external dataset. The plugin works like a charm, but some columns do not end up in the schema for some reason. Exploring the dataset gives me …Solution bySolution by Emiel
I contacted Dataiku support for assistance, and they were able to fix it. The trick is to use a prepare recipe, which, unlike other recipes, results in all columns from the dataset in the output. The problem was caused by missing fields in the initial lines of the API response, which appeared later in the JSON.