How does Dataiku run a recipe from a scenario if the recipe has multiple outputs?
Let us say there is a python recipe with input as A and outputs B, C, D. I want to build the datasets B, C and D from a scenario. So, should I specify datasets B, C and D in the build step in the scenario? Will it run the recipe thrice to create each of the datasets? If so, is there a way to run the whole recipe from the…
LLM Response streaming in API Designer
Hey, I am trying to implement a stream API in the API Designer for having the ability to request the endpoint in stream mode for displaying LLM response in a chatbot UI. I took inspiration from Response streaming section of LLM Mesh - Dataiku Developer Guide but I am unsure what to use as a replacement of the print…
Haruyuki Yamada
dataiku13.0をインストールできたのですが一向に起動しません。なぜでしょうか?本当は13.2をインストールしたかったのですが。 Operating system used: Windows Operating system used: Windows
using pre deployment hook create a pv and pvc?
"I am trying to add a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) to a Kubernetes deployment using a pre-deployment hook in Dataiku. Could you provide any documentation or steps outlining how to add a volume to a deployment through a pre-deployment hook?" Operating system used: windows Operating system used: windows
Difference in minutes and seconds between two date
Hi everyone, How can I get the difference in "hours" "minutes" AND "seconds" (example: 14:30:24) from two date? Example: Col 1: 2018-01-01T09:50:15.000Z Col 2: 2018-01-01T10:07:55.000Z Col 3 (difference): 00:17:40 Thank so much for your help Maxime
Identifying the Node Type in a DSS Notebook using Python
In Python, in a DSS notebook, I want to know if the code is running in the design node or the automation node. How can I do that?
Dashboards or piece of dashboard lost during collaborative work on a project
Does someone had this problem ? : When editing a tile or a graph in a dashboard if 2 teammembers edit in the same time the same graph , the graph is lost (question why such a situation is possible ? in most collaborative tools there is a blocking mechanism to avoid that) but even a dashboard which has been edited and saved…
Git Version Control - merging branch
OK, I'll admit it up front, I am new to the Git model and after watching a few introductory videos, I tried to use the Version Control feature of creating a new branch. I selected the option when creating a new branch, "Edition Mode: User current project to work on new branch". (Yes I know, the documentation says to use…
Export monthly files
I want to export files 9 months back from today's date, but always the 1st of that month. I have this working but when the month changes, it doesn't automatically include November for example when doing testing. Is there a way to automate this so I don't have to manually change the time period?
"NumberFormatException: For input string" in scenario with integer partitioned dataset
I have a non-partitioned D1 dataset. The first column "dt_partition" will be used to partition the next dataset. dt_partition is of type integer, representing the month (for example 202409). It only contains one value at a time, so the data will go into a single partition. My database is Snowflake. At the output of D1,…