Reorder columns in a dataset
Hello, I would like to reorder the columns of my dataset without using a Prepare Recipe. Is it possible ? Thank you !
Overview of all running jobs
Hello Community, Is it possible to get an overview of all running jobs? Is it possible by checking the internal metrics dss_jobs and then filtering on state empty? This seems to provide an overview of all jobs running. However, for example, if the job is partitioned, is it also possible to see all the sub-jobs running?…
How to set recipe container through dataikuapi
Hi, I would like to change dynamically the container for the execution of a recipe through the dataikuapi-external-client. I could not find any referenece in the documentation. How can I achieve that (if possible)? Regards, Filippo
A user is trying to execute a python recipe and get the attach message. How to we fix that?
He can log in to dataiku web and is in the developer group. He also has the right to pyhton code env. Thanks. Visanu
Extract ID out of a column
Hello , I'm trying to extract the numbers after the / (but it's not always the first / ) and it's not the end of the url... In exemple i only want the Bold number /33988-329055 I though an extract would work but it doesn't... Could anyone knows why ? Thanks
When I save from notebook to insights, the diagram does not show up on the insights screen.
Hi, community. I would like to save the static insights and add them to the dashboard. However, when I run the following command to save it to an insight, it does not show up when I go to the Insights screen. Can someone please help me with this? Below is the python code. --------- import dataiku from dataiku import…
Any way to overlay "events" on a chart in my dashboard?
Hello, I am wondering if there is any way to overlay some custom text "events" on my charts. Effectively something like the below: or this: I don't need anything too fancy, my use case is that I am plotting some attributes, let's say # new users and I want to manually mark some events, eg "marketing campaign x" etc thank…
Add users and grant permissions via dataikuapi for Projects
hi Team, Do we have any programmatic way to add and grant permissions to users for projects via dataikuapi? (i.e) project.add_users via dataikuapi? project.get_permissions()['permissions'] Thanks, Thiagu
Remove columns by pattern
Lets say I want to remove all the columns that contain the word "Spot" in them. How would I do that. I cannot figure out the syntax for Remove columns matching.
How to import a plugin after a dataiku instance change
hello, I initally had a devlopped plugin available in a specific Dataiku instance. We had to change the dataiku instance . Is there an easy way to reload or import this previous plugin in this new instance? Thank you