Oops: an unexpected error occurred java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a double but was BEGIN
Hi, I am working on the project "Advanced Designer Assessment" after modified Prepare recipe to add column "qualifies", when i open dataset "Online_Retail_Prepared", i got this error message. Oops: an unexpected error occurred java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a double but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 377 column 21 path…
Webapps and file structure
I would like to create a webapp which I have developed locally. The file structure is below. It appears that standard webapps have a simplified interface with tabs for CSS/js/python etc. Is there a way to create a webapp that will allow me to maintain my file structure without rewriting it to fit the rigid structure of a…
How to set a project variables with Python
I am trying to set project variables that will be used by scenario recipes as dates. In a project the global variable is in the form of {"start_date": "10/27/2024"}. I am able to this in recipes and dashboards. Using the python notebook, I am able to change the variables but now I want to make it dynamic based on current…
Knowledge bank
i have my final file in managed folder which is document which has various graphs and summaries in it , how to embed the data in knowledge bank & create a prompt to generate summary.
How do I automate a notebook.
Hello, I have been attempting to automate a flow so that it runs hourly through the automation scenario, it starts of from a python recipe, building multiple datasets, then I retrain the model, which appends everything to a logging table. This script works if I run it manually however, I do not know how to create an…
Setting project tags in v12 seems oddly difficult
HI, It is very easy to get a list of the tags for a project but the set_tags function expects a dictionary. I created a dictionary (mydict) as so: {'BAC': {'color': '#1ac2ab'}, 'ABC': {'color': '#1ac2ab'}, 'POO': {'color': '#1ac2ab'}} I then use set_tags(mydict) which does not work but does not error. Any ideas? thx…
Sync Recipe - Append instead of overwrite
Greetings, I have a Sync recipe that uses an SQL query as the Input to load the past 6 months of data thru the previous calendar day to an Output table. Going forward, all I want is to load is the previous calendar day's data. Is this as simple as placing a check mark in the Append instead of overwrite checkbox shown…
Overlap area in Intersection objects
Hi. I have two geometry that overlap one another. Please advise is there a way to find the overlap area…ie How much one polygon overlap another polygon in terms of area or percentage using Geospatial Analytics
Test querie return prediction from empty parameter
Hi, i was testing my prediction model endpoint, by Test queries from my datasets, and its working perfictly,, But,, when i test my model with empty features query, it also returnts a prediction , even when i passed nothing to the features parameters, where it should rather return empty value. whad tyou think is the problem…
is there any limitations on number of recipients that can be added while sending email
is there any limitations on number of recipients that can be added while sending email step used in scenarios. I need to add around 250 recipient in the email. Is there any alternative if above way is not optimal