Hello When I try to read a dataset in my R notebook, I get the following error: Error in dku__check_api_error(resp, "Failed to read dataset"): Failed to read dataset (HTTP code 503): <!DOCTYPE html PU…
Hey guys, I asked my original question here but i think you got me wrong: https://answers.dataiku.com/5456/redirect-http-to-https-implement-hsts?show=5457#a5457 I have a valid certificate and the serv…
Hi there, I have 2 questions: 1) How can i redirect all HTTP(80) connections to use HTTPS? I have already configured my server to use HTTPS. 2) How can i implement HSTS? Thanks in advance and you are …
Hi, I try to connect DSS with an Elastic Search cluster hosted directly on the Elastic.co cloud. The security layer requires to connect it trough HTTPS and with a basic user/pwd credential I tried sev…