Validity of Dataiku's certifications
Do the Dataiku's certifications have a validity date ? * Core Designer Certificate * Advance Designer Certificate * ML Practioner Certificate * Developer Certificate * MLOps Practioner Certificate
Developer Certificate
Hi, I am preparing to pass a Developer Certificate. I try to download the started project from the website. I have the following error: Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Could you please send me the zip file for started project or indicate me the url to download it? Thanks. Haroun
The name not be changed in certificate
Hello... I would like to change my name in the certificate that already issued. Can I do it. I already change my name in Dataiku profile but it not be changed in my certificate.
Monitoring and Feedback
I believe that the most important is the "Champion/challenger" alternative, but the check point answer is the "Model evaluation store". What do you think? Which component of Monitoring and Feedback helps identify a candidate model that outperforms the deployed model? Logging system Model evaluation store A/B testing…
Advanced Design Certification assessment
There is a question in the Advanced Design Certification assessment that may be incorrectly designed. In the assessment project, from your calculations of the top 5 customers from each year, which customerid represented the third-highest total revenue in 2009? * 15061 (second highest) * 14191 (not listed) * 13694 (first) *…
Possible checkpoint question errors
There is a question in the Advanced Design Certification assessment that may be incorrectly designed. In the assessment project, from your calculations of the top 5 customers from each year, which customerid represented the third-highest total revenue in 2009? * 15061 (second highest) * 14191 (not listed) * 13694 (first) *…
Certification Name
Hi, I pass the exam and got certificate. Now I regret that I'm not using my full name, is there a way to get certification again using my full name? I have updated my profile and I'm using Google to sign in, Please let me know if I can get certificate with my full name.
Given data sets are not sufficient at the assessment questions of Advance Designer Certification.
Hi, I am working on the assessment of Advance Designer for the certification, I don't find any value of column "Stock_code" starting with "Test" in the tow tow given datasets Retail_I and Retail_II. As the request of the problem, i should write a regular express for column value starting with "TEST" I will try to solve the…
step 5
Some columns ( Oil production (Etemad & Luciana) (terawatt-hours), meat_prod_tonnes, and Food Balance Sheets: Eggs - Production (FAO (2017)) (tonnes) ) report country total data. Transform these three columns into per-capita data. Hey everyone, I dont know how to do this step ... can you explain to me the steps , it's been…
Advanced Designer Certification project
My data iku server is not connected to the internet for security purposes, so that is probably the issue. I am trying to take the Advanced Designer Certification test, and when I go to New Project > DSS Tutorials, I get the error message attached. When I click the link to the Learn website, I don't see where to download…