Variable importance menu doesn't appear

JeanBaptiste Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 16 ✭✭

Hi Community,

I'm following the ML Practicioner learning path and it is mentioned to access the "Variable importance" menu under "Explainability" but I only have "Feature importance".

How do I get the "Variable importance" menu to appear ?

Thank you for your help !

Operating system used: Mac

Best Answer

  • AdrienL
    AdrienL Dataiker, Alpha Tester Posts: 196 Dataiker
    Answer ✓


    The Feature importance is the new name of this tab. In v12, we added feature importance estimation to all models, and the choice between Shapley and Gini. The latter is only available for tree-based models and is what used to be called Variable importance.

    Hope this helps


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