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Folder access error in API endpoint

Level 2
Folder access error in API endpoint

In the API endpoint script, I get an error when trying to access a folder which is placed in the resources of my environment, it's a sentence transformer model which I need to access.

Can someone please suggest? 
Screenshot 2024-04-30 161656.png

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6 Replies
Level 2

In the API code I'm accessing this env in this way 

sentence_transformer_home = os.getenv('SENTENCE_TRANSFORMERS_HOME')
model_path = os.path.join(sentence_transformer_home, 'sentence-transformers_all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
model = SentenceTransformer(model_path)
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Check the permissions of that folder / file and if exists in your API node. It looks like you may need to download the transformers model first before you can invoke it in your function. The API node is a different machine so it wonโ€™t have the same thing your Designer node has. 

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What is 


set to? And have you installed the transformers model in this folder?

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Level 2

Screenshot 2024-05-02 101109.png

also yes, I have downloaded the model 
Screenshot 2024-05-02 101220.png

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As you can see by the error the code is looking for the model in a tmp directory Dataiku uses to deploy the service. This is not desirable. You should download the model in a generic location in your API node machine and then use an absolute path to reference it in your API service code. That way any service using the transformers model can use the same downloaded model. 

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Level 2

That makes sense, thank you @Turribeach, I'll try this approach. 

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