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'DSSClient' object has no attribute 'predict_record'

Level 2
'DSSClient' object has no attribute 'predict_record'

Hi Everyone,

Once please help on this. I get this error for DSS client. Thanks in Advance. 

2_deploy_dev/ in <module> prediction = client_dep.predict_record(api_endpoint_id, record_to_predict) E AttributeError: 'DSSClient' object has no attribute 'predict_record'

at this line     

prediction = client_dep.predict_record(api_endpoint_id, record_to_predict)

Code here: 

import dataikuapi
import sys

host = sys.argv[2]
apiKey = sys.argv[3]
api_service_id = sys.argv[4]
api_endpoint_id = sys.argv[5]
api_dev_infra_id = sys.argv[6]

client_dep = dataikuapi.DSSClient(host,apiKey)
client_dep._session.verify = False

record_to_predict = {








    "cXXXXXXX": "XX",

    "LXXXXXXde": "XXXXXM",


prediction = client_dep.predict_record(api_endpoint_id, record_to_predict)
assert prediction['result']['prediction'] == '1', "Prediction should be 1 but is {}".format(prediction['result']['prediction'])


0 Kudos
7 Replies

Hello @shajay12,

As your are requesting an API Node, you need to use an APINodeClient instead of a DSSClient:

client = dataikuapi.APINodeClient(uri, service_id, api_key)

See for more details.

Hope this helps


Level 2

Hi Louisplt,

I used the APINodeClient, but it gives this error. 

2_deploy_dev/ in <module> prediction = client_dep.predict_record(api_endpoint_id, record_to_predict) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/dataikuapi/ in predict_record return self._perform_json("POST", "%s/predict" % endpoint_id, body = obj) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/dataikuapi/ in _perform_json return self._perform_http(method, path, params, body, False).json() /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/dataikuapi/ in _perform_http auth=auth, stream = stream) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/requests/ in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/requests/ in send adapter = self.get_adapter(url=request.url) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/requests/ in get_adapter raise InvalidSchema("No connection adapters were found for '%s'" % url) E requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: No connection adapters were found for '-o/public/api/v1/--host=

0 Kudos

Hello @shajay12 

Could you please share the code you used to call APINodeClient.predict_record?

0 Kudos
Level 2

Hi louisplt, Thanks for the reply and help. 

here is the code. 



import dataikuapi

host = sys.argv[2]
apiKey = sys.argv[3]
api_service_id = sys.argv[4]
api_endpoint_id = sys.argv[5]
api_dev_infra_id = sys.argv[6]

client_dep = dataikuapi.APINodeClient(host,api_service_id,apiKey)
client_dep._session.verify = False

record_to_predict = {
    "XXXXXXXXXXX": "xxxxxx",
    "xxxxxxxxxxxx": "xxx",
    "xxxxxxxxxxxx": "xxxxxxxx",
    "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
prediction = client_dep.predict_record(api_endpoint_id, record_to_predict)
assert prediction['result']
['prediction'] == '1', "Prediction should be 1 but is {}".format(prediction['result']['prediction'])




also here is the YAML code that is calling the above Python script in Azure pipeline. 



python3 -m pytest 2_deploy_dev/ -o junit_family=xunit1 --host='${{ parameters.DEPLOYER_URL }}' --api='${{ parameters.DEPLOYER_API_KEY }}' --api_service_id='${{ parameters.API_SERVICE_ID }}' --api_endpoint_id='${{ parameters.API_ENDPOINT_ID }}' --api_dev_infra_id='${{ parameters.API_DEV_INFRA_ID }}' --junitxml=reports/DEV_TEST.xml




error message. 

2_deploy_dev/ in <module> prediction = client_dep.predict_record(api_endpoint_id, record_to_predict) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/dataikuapi/ in predict_record return self._perform_json("POST", "%s/predict" % endpoint_id, body = obj) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/dataikuapi/ in _perform_json return self._perform_http(method, path, params, body, False).json() /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/dataikuapi/ in _perform_http auth=auth, stream = stream) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/requests/ in request resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/requests/ in send adapter = self.get_adapter(url=request.url) /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/requests/ in get_adapter raise InvalidSchema("No connection adapters were found for '%s'" % url) E requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: No connection adapters were found for '-o/public/api/v1/--host=

0 Kudos
Level 1

@louisplt wrote:

Hello @shajay12,

As your are requesting an API Node, you need to use an APINodeClient instead of a DSSClient:



client = dataikuapi.APINodeClient(uri, service_id, api_key)



See  for more details.

Hope this helps

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Thanks. This worked for me!

0 Kudos
Level 2

Hi Kurt, 

Thanks for your reply and help. Once check the code that I have replied to in the previous post. 

Could you please tell me the value of these variables 'apinodes' and 'url'  in this link 

Though I took code from this link 

in the above link, I was not able to find the value of 'apinodes' and 'url' variables, so I had made changes to the code. But the changed code also did not work. 

Below is the code in the above link  

def build_apinode_client(params):
    client_design = dataikuapi.DSSClient(params["host"], params["api"])
    api_deployer = client_design.get_apideployer()
    api_url = api_deployer.get_infra(params["api_dev_infra_id"]).get_settings().get_raw()['apiNodes'][0]['url']
    return dataikuapi.APINodeClient(api_url, params["api_service_id"])


0 Kudos
Level 2

I have used APINodeClient code also,

but it gives the same error. 

client_dep = dataikuapi.APINodeClient(host,api_service_id,apiKey)
client_dep._session.verify = False

record_to_predict = {
    "cXXXXXXX": "XX",
    "LXXXXXXde": "XXXXXM",
prediction = client_dep.predict_record(api_endpoint_id, record_to_predict)
assert prediction['result']['prediction'] == '1', "Prediction should be 1 but is {}".format(prediction['result']['prediction'])


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