Error in getWebAppBackendUrl

Level 3
Error in getWebAppBackendUrl


I am creating a plugin that contains multiple resource files(HTML/js/CSS) and when I add a new HTML file under the web app, first off, I cannot reference it using the normal method (absolute reference) secondly, I keep getting an error that getWebAppBackendUrl is not found if I use it in a js file in the resource folder. 

Any help would be highly appreciated.

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1 Reply


The error that you are getting with getWebAppBackendUrl is linked to your first issue with the absolute reference.

Additional files from the pluginโ€™s resource folder can be accessed by referencing them with /plugins/__plugin_name__/resource/__file_to_get__.

For a js file, it would be for instance : 


<script src="/plugins/__plugin_name__/resource/__file_name__.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


For more details, you may have a look at the documentation and this example (with html , js and css resource files)



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