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Added on April 21, 2021 6:40PM
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Replies: 6
Suppose I want to run a SQL query in which query is like " WHERE City IN ('A', 'B', 'C') AND ID IN (1,2,3) OR NAME='John' ".
I'm trying this in prepare recipe --> filter rows with formula
what's the analogous formula for "IN" in Dataiku?
With DSS 9.0.0, this formula should do the work:
( arrayContains(['A', 'B', 'FAIL'], City) && arrayContains([1, 2, 3], ID) ) || NAME == 'John'
I think it will work also with previos DSS versions, but I thought it was important to include the version just in case.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, man.
But I found this in the Dataiku documentation before your reply.
Anyway Thanks again @Ignacio_Toledo
What if we want to that for "NOT IN A LIST"?
I mean how can we use 'arrayContains' for NOT IN?
If I understand correctly, I'd try:
arrayContains(['A', 'B', 'FAIL'], City) == "False"
So, if the column City doesn't contains A, B or Fail arrayContains will return False, and with the comparison operator == "False" we get the result expected for NOT IN (is True that City is not in A, B or Fail)
Hope this works!
No, I want to write that along with && ,|| Operators.
So is there something like arraynotContains or Not before the list of values?
I can only think about:
not(arrayContains([array...], column))
The negation of array contains. And this can be used with the logical operators... however I think my previous solution, while longer, should also allow the user of the logical operators. But haven't tried.