Re: Customise code recipe defaults
Would it be possible through a plugin? And is there a way I could track this issue, to be notified of any changes in the future?1 · -
Customise code recipe defaults
Forgive me if this question has already been raised, but I couldn't find anything here or in your documentation. Is there a way to change the boilerplate code when creating a Python or PySpark recipe…1 · -
PyCharm API not supporting PySpark recipes
Hi, the API you recently created and detailed here: https://academy.dataiku.com/latest/tutorial/code/pycharm.html does not appear to support any recipe other than made in Python. If I connect per the…2 · -
Bulk unsubscribe from all watches
Hi, how does one bulk unsubscribe from all stars and watches? I have to click on every single icon, which takes a lot of time. I'm not interested in being notified for every project I administer or t…1 · -
Legacy API calls in Spark
In dataiku's default pyspark recipes, dataiku.spark's get_dataframe takes a sqlContext to return a spark dataframe. This has been a legacy call to the API since Spark 2.0, as the entry point for SQL …1 ·