Re: How to load a file to Resources directory and have available at run time
See my answer to a question posted 12 or so hours after mine here : https://community.dataiku.com/t5/Setup-Configuration/How-to-add-a-file-to-the-Resources-directory-so-that-it-is/m-p/32917/highlight…3 · -
Re: How to add a file to the Resources directory so that it is accessible at runtime
@btsshirt Looks like you can't have the "Rebuild env" check box checked, as then Dataiku will "Clears the code environment and rebuilds it from scratch." In other words, it clears…2 · -
Add columns to “Editable” datasets?
How can I add additional columns to the “Editable” datasets? Operating system used: centos1 · -
Re: Plugin cannot find pyspark
There is a similar kludge. You have to include "kind": "PYSPARK", in the plugin's recipe.json file. I was not able to find this documented anywhere. Also, I was hoping to start Sp…1 · -
Community Post text formatting
Why can't I use all of the formatting in this Community Message board? Many of the code block or other formatting that is made available only to get removed b For example: <code>import pandas a…1 ·