Re: Group recipe aggregating median
Might try the Window recipe trick indicated here https://community.dataiku.com/t5/Using-Dataiku-DSS/Calculating-Median/m-p/7529/highlight/true#M40691 · -
Re: Group recipe aggregating median
hello @Paulinesco , has this feature been added yet? I need it, and have done a "median" search in the documentation, but didn't find much1 · -
Re: when importing several flat files at once, is there a way to ascertain all files where imported?
Thanks for the explanation. Thus the answer to my question is No, which is too bad. --> May I suggest improving the DSS UI to make this "under the hood" behaviour obvious? Were I not to …1 · -
when importing several flat files at once, is there a way to ascertain all files where imported?
I am working on data that is stored in 6 text files (export_PART1.tab, export_PART2.tab... export_PART6.tab). To import them all at once, I drag and drop the six files to the "Drag and drop your…1 ·