Re: Can't delete files in managed folder
Hi, The error is directly coming from AWS SDK. The best way is to open a support ticket with the Request ID and S3 Extended Request ID and they will be able to figure out what the issue is.1 · -
Re: Unable to connect to DSS from container
DSS will open a random port in the range between ports 1024 and 65535, so the DSS host and executors on the K8 cluster can connect. Double-check your network settings for DSS and K8S clusters1 · -
Re: set the random state in visual ML models
Hi, DSS already comes with a Random Seed that ensures reproducibility when training multiple times on the same input dataset. This is used when splitting the DSS input dataset, hyper-parameter search…1 · -
Re: Read gzip compressed json file in partitioned folder of s3
Hi Toshi, As mentioned in the below document, get_download_stream method returns a Python "file-like" object, which can be used to other python functions that support non-seekable file-like…1 · -
Re: Extending the DSS Python API to Handle Shaker Steps + More
Hi. So as you have commented, REST API just simply modify the JSON files. We do not have detailed documentation on all the parameters of the steps, I think the best way would be to just create a prep…1 ·