Connect with Snowflakes Cortex LLM
With the recent explosion of LLM's, and your collaboration with snowflake, it would be great to have a native connection that utilizes the Snowflake cortex calls. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/snowflake-cortex/overview
Git repo integration for API Designer
It would be great if there was a way to connect a remote git repo to the API designer, like it is for the project library. That way we could easily backup and sync python API code to a remote repo. Versioning is a bit iffy right now for pure code python API endpoint development.
Model Performance Alerting
It would be nice if we could trigger automatic alerts based on model evaluation stores with a simple click while in the evaluation store. Today you would have to write a bunch of custom python scripting to create a check, schedule a scenario that reports it back out. It should be as simple as this: 1. Create Evaluation…
Lengthen the time one stays logged in
It seems that I am logged out of the community site after a few hours and therefore have to log in multiple times within a day. I don't know what the drawbacks are to lengthening the time one stays logged in. It seems reasonable that we would be able to stay logged in over the course of a day. If this were my bank I'd have…