Programatically push cde images to a registry

Registered Posts: 66 ✭✭✭✭✭

In containerized execution I can prepare the base container image and push it to a registry so that containerized execution pods will pull the image directly from my container.

However for cde image I can build it using dssadmin build-base-image —type cde

But I cannot push it to a registry. I found a command that does nothing with an exit code 0:

dsscli container-exec-base-images-push

Is that normal? Is it supposed to happen?

Any other functional way to push locally built images to registry?


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  • Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,360 Neuron

    Check all the options of the dssadmin build-base-image command as you can add an option to push the images to the repository as well in the same command.

  • Registered Posts: 9 ✭✭

    dssadmin build-base-image —type cde

    위와 같은 명령어로 baseimage를 만들 수 있습니다.

    dsscli container-exec-base-images-push

    위 명령어가 동작하는지는 확인하지못하였습니다.

    위 명령어가 동작하려면 push할 레파지토리에 올릴 수 있는 정보가 dss서버에 저장이 되어있거나
    올릴 수 있는 상태가 되어야 할 것으로 보여집니다.

    위 방법 대신에 수동으로 레파지토리에 push를 할 수 있습니다.

    1. 레파지토리에 로그인
    [dataiku@vbox dss_data]$ docker login
    Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
    Authenticating with existing credentials for
    Existing credentials are valid. Already logged in to

    2. 생성된 이미지 확인 < e5fd08a1825e 사용 할 것>
    docker images
    Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
    <none> <none> e5fd08a1825e 3 minutes ago 2.76 GB
    localhost/dku-cde-base-ityrplrkwtls8regn8cralpy dss-13.1.4 a9bf1db8405f 2 weeks ago 5.26 GB latest 9bea9f2796e2 3 months ago 196 MB 8 f1218159f16a 5 months ago 196 MB

    3. 이미지 테그
    podman tag e5fd08a1825e yonghyun3221/dss:latest

    4. 이미지 push

    podman push yonghyun3221/dss:latest
    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob a9af2451b55c done |
    Copying blob 52e288afc9fc done |
    Copying blob 4d70471a4d9b done |
    Copying blob 62cd0e5682e7 done |
    Copying blob 44f0fb6f61ec done |
    Copying blob 2609da11fd88 skipped: already exists
    Copying blob bf1d9e1d3a4c done |
    Copying blob 269abf47d47e done |
    Copying blob 9ea2e6a97fb0 done |
    Copying blob e8b8f6023e1a done |
    Copying blob 49d1432dc306 done |
    Copying blob b6b7bf85c697 done |
    Copying blob 8c438a6fbf6c done |
    Copying blob 2eb45e798a2e done |
    Copying blob d62bd2740451 done |
    Copying blob 060427fa7745 done |
    Copying blob 8f74ee1f97f7 done |
    Copying blob 5ad49c1fd910 done |
    Copying blob fae7e275d619 done |
    Copying blob b6a34af9750c done |
    Copying blob 4ab83e03723c done |
    Copying config e5fd08a182 done |
    Writing manifest to image destination

    podman 대신 docker를 사용해서도 가능합니다

    정상적으로 push된 것을 확인

  • Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,360 Neuron

    I believe this post will help you too:

    Custom script for Container execution to push the base images

  • Registered Posts: 66 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @Turribeach I managed to push the images with a command like this:

    /data/bin/dssadmin build-base-image --type cde --target-registry ${REGISTRY_URL}/path --tag dataiku-cde:${VERSION} --mode build-push

    So my registry has the image called dataiku-cde:13.3.1 . However when the pod is launched. The image it tries to pull is dku-cde-base-kxjbawo5t40pe7oyaltn7lqw:dss-13.3.1 . I expect it to use dataiku-cde:13.3.1 .

    Is there any way to force the image to be used like for the container image?

  • Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2023 Posts: 2,360 Neuron

    You are nearly there but it's best if you stick to the registry name that Dataiku is using to be as close to the default configuration as possible. "dku-cde-base" is a static string so easy to match. The remaining part ("kxjbawo5t40pe7oyaltn7lqw") it's the Install ID which you can find in your DSS_DATA_DIR/install.ini.

  • Registered Posts: 66 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I know how it is built. However I'd prefer it if my kubernetes pods could use an easy to figure out image name just like base container image. Is it possible to overload it?


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