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Added on August 1, 2024 3:39PM
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Replies: 4
Hello we've fleet manager 12.5 and want to upgrade our dss instances to 13 without migrating yet fleet manager to 13. Can it support these dss 13 as it does dss 12.5?
When we upgrade fm from 12 .5 to 13 can it continu to see dss as it does in UI? as it will be like these dss was created and managed by another fm.
Operating system used: AWSCLOUDSTACK
That is correct.
Follow the fm upgrade documentation and take note of the "current" fm information.Then, take a snapshot of the fm ebs, which inherits from the one named "Data volume".
Delete the existing fm stack before deployig a new fm from Cloud formation.After that, deploy fm. Don't forget to specify the snapshot ID of the Data volume of the previous fm as a parameter.
Did you take over the fm configuration information from before the upgrade?For example, vpc, subnet, etc.
Also, if a snapshot is not taken from the fm's EBS volume and specified in the cloud formation stack before the upgrade, the data will be pulled.
I've all information. So you mean if I take snapshot and deploye the 13th version then attach snapshot of ebs. This will si all dssinstances as it was in 12?
Thanks, I'll try that.