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Added on June 4, 2024 1:21PM
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Replies: 2
am currently trying to recover the name of the datasets which failed in a build step of a scenario. So far I have only found the way to recover the first step which fails, however I specifically want to know the name of all the dataSets which fail in order to transfer them to a separate dataset. Do you have any ideas for doing this in this python step ?
For example (if the construction of one of these datasets fails), I want to be able to recover its name
Can you please post the Python code you got so far in code block (the </> icon on the toolbar)?
Of course, here is my current python code which aims to recover the logs in the event of an error. The rest is just a succession of steps preconstructed by dataiku.
import dataiku from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu import pandas as pd from dataiku.scenario import Scenario scenario = Scenario() current_scenario = Scenario() client = dataiku.api_client() p = client.get_default_project() #permet de récupérer la variable de scenario pour avoir l'heure de début du run project = dataiku.api_client().get_project(dataiku.default_project_key()) variables = project.get_variables() DebScen = dataiku.get_custom_variables()['DebScen'] #récupère le scenario et le run acutel avec ses détails scenario_id = current_scenario.scenario_trigger["scenarioId"] run = p.get_scenario(scenario_id).get_current_run() run_details = run.get_details() errors = [] #PARCOURS CHAQUE STEP ET LEURS DETAILS for step_run in run_details.steps: step_name = step_run["step"]["name"] error_msg = None #RECUPERE LES LOGS TAIL (fin des logs) ET ASSIGNE LES MSG D'ERREUR A LA LISTE ERRORS result_log_tail = step_run.get("result", {}).get("logTail", {}).get("lines") if result_log_tail: error_msg = "\n".join(result_log_tail) for report_item in step_run["additionalReportItems"]: report_type = report_item["type"] report_log_tail = report_item.get("logTail", {}).get("lines") if report_log_tail: if error_msg : error_msg += "\n" + "\n".join(report_log_tail) else : error_msg = "\n".join(report_log_tail) #CREATION DU DF CONTENANT : LA DATE DE DEBUT DU SCENARIO, LE NOM DU SCENARIO, NOM DE LA STEP QUI A FAIL ET SON MSG D'ERREUR if error_msg : errors.append({"scenario_name" : scenario_id, "step_name" : step_name, "error_message" : error_msg, "deb_scenario" : DebScen}) #CREATION DU DATASET FINAL AVEC L'HISTORIQUE DES DONNEES dfErrors = pd.DataFrame(errors) dataset = dataiku.Dataset('scenario_logs') existing_data = dataset.get_dataframe() upadating_ds = pd.concat([existing_data,dfErrors], ignore_index = True) #OUTPUT scenario_logs = dataiku.Dataset("scenario_logs") scenario_logs.write_with_schema(upadating_ds)