Text Preparation plugin Error in Python process: No module named 'spacy'

I am getting an
Error in Python process: At line 4: <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'>: No module named 'spacy'
when trying to run Text cleaning. See the attached file for the full log.
Initially, it wanted me to upgrade the pip when I tried to create an environment. I did this, then selected that build and linked it to it.
C:\Users\AliyevZa\AppData\Local\Dataiku\DataScienceStudio\dss_home\code-envs\python\plugin_nlp-preparation_managed\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
Now it is giving me Spacy error when I am trying to run it. I removed and installed Dataiku fresh install thinking it might fix, but it did not.
Any help appreciated!
Operating system used: Windows 10
Sarina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 319 Dataiker
Hi @spiderzaur,
It looks like there was an issue building the code environment for the plugin. Can you please attach a code environment diagnostic of the code environment from Administration > Code Envs > plugin_nlp-preparation_managed?
Sarina -
Sarina Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered Posts: 319 Dataiker
Hi @spiderzaur
This code environment is failing due to the following error:File "C:\Users\AliyevZa\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-8dwb3u8g\pycld3_f2a635e9255d4b59a69e3b4fc1871181\setup.py", line 110, in run "The Protobuf compiler, `protoc`, which is required for" RuntimeError: The Protobuf compiler, `protoc`, which is required for building this package, could not be found. See https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf for information on installing Protobuf.
It looks like you will need to try and install the Protobuf compiler on your windows machine, and ensure that it's in your PATH when DSS is started. You might find the following article helpful:
Please note that the windows version of DSS is experimental, and if you run into further issues, you may want to switch to a Linux installation.
Sarina -
Hi @SarinaS
,I downloaded the "Protobuf" and extracted it to "C:\protoc-26.1-win64\bin".
How do I do the second step [ensure that it's in your PATH when DSS is started]?
, Any lead about how to add "Protobuf" to the DSS PATH? -
Would you please elaborate more?I downloaded the "
Protobuf" and extracted it to "C:\protoc-26.1-win64\bin".
How do I do the second step [ensure that it's in your PATH when DSS is started]?