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Added on June 6, 2023 2:45PM
Likes: 7
Replies: 1
Hi, there is no current API to obtain list of currently running jobs in a DSS instance. We want to have the same capability as the current Jobs section under /admin/monitoring/background-tasks/. All the other sections on this page already have APIs:
The current list_jobs() API can only be used selecting a project first which is not feasable for larger instances. It will also be great to be able to get number of running "Concurrent activities" so that we can compare it to the Administration > Settings > Flow build > Concurrent activities > Global limit and see when DSS runs out of concurrent activitity slots to run new jobs. And since I am asking might as well get the number of jobs queued if the Global Limit is reached.
Links to the python main API client methods:
dataiku.api_client().list_running_notebooks() :
But no dataiku.api_client().list_running_jobs()
I have the same need as @Turribeach
, I want to check what jobs are running when we hit the concurrent activity limit.
For the same reason, it woudl be great have also a