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Added on May 8, 2023 12:57AM
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Replies: 4
I have defined a simple Boolean scenario variable.
I want to use it to control the execution of a scenario step.
But I can't get the expression to work, see scenario error log.
[2023/05/08-00:52:18.703] [FT-ScenarioThread-Dw3eYgY6-3609123] [INFO] [dip.reporter.lookup] scenario XXXXXX#2023-05-08-00-52-14-226 - [ct: 4449] Cannot evaluate expression '${send_message} == True' as formula java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incorrect formula: '${send_message} == True' : Missing number, string, identifier, regex, or parenthesized expression(Parsing error at offset 0)
Could you please provide some simple comparison examples that would work as expressions? I think I am using a wrong syntax...
Could you try this?
Hi @JIshikawa
This worked for me.
The boolean variable is defined as Evaluated variables:
This variable is used in the scenario step like this:
I hope it helps.
This worked great. Many thanks!
I tried this solution too but didn't work for me.
The logs show the variable is always empty...