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Added on March 13, 2023 8:39AM
Likes: 0
Replies: 5
I want to fetch the weather-related information for a location for which i am using the OpenWeatherMap plugin. I have followed all the instructions given in the plugin documentation. When i try to used the plugin, it gives me an error as attached.
can anyone help?
Operating system used: linux
There is a free API trier you can subscribe to Did you sign-up?
Make sure you have no leading/trailing spaces in your API key and if that still doesn't work let us know.
Hi @BhaskarDevGoel
Is possible for you null/empty values in lat/long columns? Could please check?
If the issues persist please reach out to support and share the job diagnostics.
Job failed: Error in Python process: At line 116: <class 'exceptions.OpenWeatherMapAPIError'> [Errno None]
None: 'None' More info about this error
Hi @AlexT
The data has no null values. I check the logs and it is showing
INFO Error in request (status code: 401)
[08:37:32] [INFO] [dku.utils] - 2023-03-13 08:37:32,881 INFO Response: {"cod":401, "message": "Invalid API key. Please see for more info."}
But i have cross verified the API key and it is correct. Is there a possibility that i need to subscribe to a service before using the plugin?
I want to extract the historic weather data (last 2 years) of a lat long
No actually i just create an account on OWM and generate the API key. I have not subscribed to any service yet