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Added on January 27, 2023 10:40AM
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Replies: 4
Hi all,
I am trying to replace some of the values in one column (empty ones) with values from another column.
I could do this with Formula, but I do not want to create another column, just want to fill in the blank cells of my column (not all rows of this column are empty) with values that exist in another column.
How can I do this?
Instead of creating a new column, you can specify with the Formula processor in which existing column to save the output.
Conversely, you can also use the create-if-then-else-statement processor.
Hi @MiguelangelC
thanks for the solutions!
If, else...processor is missing from my list of processors.
I have managed to do it using formula, only that instead of to_fill == '', I had to use if(isNull(to_fill))
Thank you once again!
The create if then else prepare recipe step is a recent additions to Dataiku DSS. This was added in version 11. If you are using an older version of DSS you will not find this.
Second in the prepare recipe I found this step type sort of hard to find. In the prepare recipe step search box, I have to know that the steps searchable name is “Create if then else”. Starting my search with “c” as in Create not “i” as in If.
Dataiku team could the step search in the visual prepare recipe allow for better searching of this new feature?
thanks! I guess I'm luck, my Dataiku version just git updated and I know have the Create if, else processor