Error launching code env for R on a system with no internet access

Registered Posts: 8 ✭✭✭✭

I am working on a sytem with no internet access, Integrated R and DSS using:

Error while launching code-env for R:

specifying the directory path in CRAN mirror URL: file:///opt/dss/R-packages/R-packages/

This is the path on the local system where all the packages are placed.

Error message:

Updating code environment according to spec ...
Installing from R packages list
Installing from "file:///opt/dss/dataiku-dss-5.1.0/dku-jupyter/R", "file:///opt/dss/R-packages/R-packages/"
Installing into /var/opt/dss/code-envs/R/R-test/R.lib
[1] "known library paths:"
[1] "/var/opt/dss/code-envs/R/R-test/R.lib"
[2] "/opt/dss/dataiku-dss-5.1.0/R"
[3] "/usr/lib64/R/library"
[4] "/usr/share/R/library"
[1] "already has : "
dataiku dataiku.spark dataiku.spark2 dataiku.sparklyr
"5.1.0" "5.1.0" "5.1.0" "5.1.0"
base boot class cluster
"3.5.1" "1.3-20" "7.3-14" "2.0.7-1"
codetools compiler datasets foreign
"0.2-15" "3.5.1" "3.5.1" "0.8-70"
graphics grDevices grid KernSmooth
"3.5.1" "3.5.1" "3.5.1" "2.23-15"
lattice MASS Matrix methods
"0.20-35" "7.3-50" "1.2-14" "3.5.1"
mgcv nlme nnet parallel
"1.8-24" "3.1-137" "7.3-12" "3.5.1"
Checking installed packages ...
rpart spatial splines stats
"4.1-13" "7.3-11" "3.5.1" "3.5.1"
stats4 survival tcltk tools
"3.5.1" "2.42-3" "3.5.1" "3.5.1"
Package not installed: dplyr
Package not installed: httr
Package not installed: RJSONIO
Package not installed: gtools
Package not installed: base64enc
Package not installed: curl
Package not installed: IRkernel
Installing packages: dplyr httr RJSONIO gtools base64enc curl IRkernel
Error in read.dcf(file = tmpf) : cannot open the connection
Calls: install.packages -> available.packages -> read.dcf
In addition: Warning message:
In read.dcf(file = tmpf) :
cannot open compressed file '/opt/dss/R-packages/R-packages/src/contrib/PACKAGES', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Execution halted

Could you please point me to the correct direction?


  • Dataiker, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Registered, Moderator Posts: 753 Dataiker

    Your folder needs to be a CRAN mirror. It cannot "just" be a repository of downloaded packages. A CRAN mirror additionally has some "listing" files, notably this src/contrib/PACKAGES

    At the moment, we don't have a builtin procedure to create your own CRAN mirror, but this should be a fairly standard procedure for which you can find some documentation.
  • Registered Posts: 8 ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks. I am not an expert in R, so trying to look up ways to create a CRAN mirror (using miniCRAN), however I am unable to find a method to give entire folder of packages as a path instead of individual packages. Will update this post when I'm able to resolve this.


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