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Added on May 2, 2022 9:59AM
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Replies: 6
I'm having a problem with my scenario and I can't figure out the root cause.
At any level I have a different error message :
1 - When I open my scenario :
-> I'm admin on it and the project isnt delete or something else.
2 - When I in setting's scenario :
-> The project exist, for exemple I can duplicate it and build it...
3 - When I try to delete it :
A scenario is from another project, it cannot be deleted, it should be unshared:
Solution : Don't create scenario with a "." in the scenario's key.
In my case : Scenario's name contain "." which is not permitted in the scenario as it will consider caracter before "." as the project key.
Exemple, if you choose a key's name : "1. launch" interpreted as "1"
Hi @Grixis6
Can you open a support ticket or chat with the following information?
(1) The scenario key, project key and your DSS user id
(2) screenshots of each of the 3 errors you describe below so that we understand exactly what you are seeing
(3) a diagnostic of the DSS instance to use for troubleshooting
That should allow us to help diagnose the issue.
Hi SarinaS,
Thank you. I opnened a support ticket with all these information with screenshots of these errors.
Is there a bug report for this issue? I had the same thing happen when I included a "." in my scenario names. If this is an illegal character then it should not be allowed by the platform. An error should occur when you try to give a scenario a name containing illegal characters.