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Added on September 29, 2021 2:05PM
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Replies: 1
I built a webapp that allows me to retrieve parameter variables.
I use his variables for second-time calculations.
the calculations are run via a scenario but I have the impression that it does not take into account my new parameters.
Can you help me?
Hi Flore,
The root cause of the problem may vary depending on how you pass your parameter variables to the scenario. I would advise to:
- use the set_scenario_variables() method when you instantiate your scenario run in your webapp's backend to make sure that if you are running the scenario twice with different parameters (that is what I understand when you mention "second time calculation"), then you know what exactly is going in
- add print statements in your code to surface the values of your variables of interest and look for them in the logs of your scenario runs when you are debugging a faulty behaviour.
Hope this helps.