Calling Dataiku Api from Web App

AndresSilva Registered Posts: 9 ✭✭✭✭


I have created an API in Dataiku, with the endpoint being a Python Function.

I am able to call the API, from Python, using Dataiku's python 'dataikuapi' package. My calls look like this:

import dataikuapi
apiNode = dataikuapi.APINodeClient(host, serviceID, apiKey)
result = apiNode.run_function(endpoint_id, param1 = "abc",
        param2 = "def",

resultData = result['response']

This works wonderfully. However, now, I would like to implement the API on a Website. I would like to perform a call to the API from the website and then display the results.

I am using Google's App Scripts, which has a fetch method to perform http/https get requests (Google's documentation ).

Any ideas!?


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