Create Bundle with Python

Partner, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2022, Frontrunner 2022 Finalist, Frontrunner 2022 Participant, Neuron 2023 Posts: 33 Neuron
I'm wondering if it's possible to create a new project bundle programmatically using the Python API. I see the export_to_file method, but I assume that is just a project export - or does that method create a bundle?
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rmoore Partner, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS ML Practitioner, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Neuron, Dataiku DSS Adv Designer, Registered, Neuron 2022, Frontrunner 2022 Finalist, Frontrunner 2022 Participant, Neuron 2023 Posts: 33 Neuron
We've found the "export_bundle" method, I believe this solves our problem
I think further documentation on this method may be needed however.