Importing sample project 'Working with Shapefiles' fails
Registered Posts: 17 ✭✭✭✭
I'm trying to import in DSS 7.0.x the sample project 'Working with Shapefiles', however am getting the following error:
Failed to create the tutorial. Tutorial project import failed: {"usedProjectKey":"DKU_SHAPEFILES","neededAMigration":true,"usedConnections":[],"messages":[{"severity":"ERROR","code":"ERR_BUNDLE_ACTIVATE_MISSING_CONNECTION","title":"Missing connection","details":"Connection missing for notebook sean\u0027s notebook on new_jersey (not remapped): postgresql (PostgreSQL)","message":"Missing connection: Connection missing for notebook sean\u0027s notebook on new_jersey (not remapped): postgresql (PostgreSQL)"}],"maxSeverity":"ERROR","anyMessage":true,"success":false,"warning":false,"error":true}
Would appreciate any advice what could be the root cause and how to solve the problem.
Hi @Marek
, thanks for raising the issue**! The project is now up to date on the server, and should load properly. Note: if it doesn't load properly at first, you may need to restart DSS.** there was an extraneous notebook in the project that referenced a SQL connection that doesn't exist on your instance. One of the challenges of exporting & importing projects from one system to a totally different one.