Custom Processor (Plugin): use real python process / env selection
I am working on a plug-in for Custom Processor.
This post is because I would like to enable the option for the user to select which environment to run the Custom Processor. This option must exist because is available in the Python Processor, however, in the little documentation available there is no mention to the parameter needed for that. Here the few resources I found, please suggest additional resources if available:
for plugin components, and processors are no exception, the code env is the one of the plugin. It can't be chosen at runtime
Very clear, thank you. Could you please share the source of this statement so I can read more about it?
even if a bit on the succint side, it's
The fact remains that all python components of a plugin, when they're run, use the same code environment, the one that was created based on the code env spec inside the plugin.