Variable and Post-Write Statements in PostgreSQL Dataset

Ben69 Registered Posts: 1 ✭✭✭✭

I create an index (if not exist) and I calculate the statistics in "Post-write statements" on a PostgreSQL Dataset like this :
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "MY_PROJECT_table_test_idx1" ON "MY_PROJECT_table_test" ("NO_PER");
ANALYZE public."MY_PROJECT_table_test";

It's ok. But I would like to use ${projectKey} variable like this :
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "${projectKey}_table_test_idx1" ON "${projectKey}_table_test" ("NO_PER");
ANALYZE public."${projectKey}_table_test";

But, in this case I have the error :
ERROR: relation "public.${projectKey}_ttie1b_dwh_sync_bab_test" does not exist

I think DSS don't replace ${projectKey} by MY_PROJECT as it does elsewhere.

Last precision, I work with an old version of Dataiku (v4).

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