Dataiku Academy Launches on Community

KerriW Dataiker Alumni Posts: 51 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 27 in What's New

Dataiku is pleased to announce the launch of our new self-service training program - the Dataiku Academy.The new platform provides learning and certification with on-demand courses that are free to access. It offers a seamless experience, meaning one single login, between Community and learning resources, and completes the next step in our goal to create a one-stop shop for all user resources.


With this launch, you’ll notice a few changes to the Dataiku Community as well. You’ll see that all Community learning resources have now been grouped together under the heading ‘Academy’ - this includes the Learning Paths, Course Catalogue, a Discussion board for questions and feedback, as well as our Product Knowledge Base and our Community Conundrum challenges.

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In addition, we’ll soon be adding new badges that will appear on user profiles to acknowledge certification completions. This will help other users easily recognize your skill level, and of course, provide you with a little token of achievement to help you showcase your expertise across the Community and LinkedIn. Not sure how Badges work on Community? Check out our primer.

We hope you’ll enjoy the new Academy experience and would love to hear any feedback in the comments below!

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