Matching geopoints with areas

VanDeSurk Partner, Registered Posts: 5 Partner

Hello Guys,

I was wondering if there is an easy solution to match areas (polygons) on geopoints.


  • duphan
    duphan Dataiker, Registered Posts: 32 Dataiker


    This can be done in a python recipe (with geopandas) for example, or better, if you have a Postgres sql database, the postgis extension is very useful to handle geo data.



  • tim-wright
    tim-wright Partner, L2 Designer, Snowflake Advanced, Neuron 2020, Registered, Neuron 2021, Neuron 2022 Posts: 77 Partner

    I realize I'm a bit late to the game, but I thought I would chime in for others needing similar help doing geospatial queries. Having never used geopandas before I thought I would just add it as a package to a custom code environment. It was not quite that simple. (I realize that this workload would generally be better offloaded to a database if possible, but I am running DSS 7 locally in a docker container - without access to a DB right now).

    This will require a custom Python environment. I was unable to do spatial joins (using the "intersects" operation) without geopandas only. First I got some errors relating to missing package "rtree" and then after installing that package got another error related to "libspatialindex_c". Turns out that rtree is a python package that wraps libstpatialindex. libspatial index is a library that allows for robust spatial indexing and spatial querying - but is not installable through pip. So geopandas depends on rtree and rtree on libspatial index (for some things).

    How I resolved my issue:

    1. Install libspatialindex into the DSS node
      1. If you are running DSS locally, you probably have root permission to install it.
      2. If you are running in Docker (what I did)
        1. log on as root user: docker exec -it --user root <container> bash
        2. install libspatialinddex: yum install -y spatialindex-devel
    2. Create new Code Environment (managed by DSS) Python = 3.6
    3. Add to "Packages to Install":
      1. geopandas==0.7.0
      2. rtree==0.9.4 (when I tried to create the env before installing libspatiaindex, I did get an error trying to install rtree)
    4. Happy Geocoding!

    Other Notes: During my googling, it does appear that there are pre-built binaries on Conda Forge for libspatialindex. So you probably wouldn't need to go through the hassle of all the steps above if you create a code-env that is managed by conda - disclaimer: I did not test this.

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