now() formula in prepare recipe not translatable on SQL engine
I am using Redshift dataset in my flow and when I use prepare recipe and add another column for current_date
using now() formula function and select SQL engine as my RUN option, Its says formula not translatable hence
not allowing me to use the underlying SQL engine. Any workaround this would be highly appreciated !
Best Answer
No, you should upgrade.
Hi Rajesh,
In the formula processor, you can write the SQL translation to be used when you use the SQL engine.
So you can check in redshift what is the function to get the date of today and write it here. -
Hi Mattsco
Im not able to see SQL Extression option in formula and I'm using DSS 5.*
is your answer valid for this version as well ?
CoreyS Dataiker Alumni, Dataiku DSS Core Designer, Dataiku DSS Core Concepts, Registered Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
As a resource, here is a link to Upgrading a DSS instance