Deep Learning Time Series

I'm following the deep learning time-series tutorial and get the following errors when training the models.
[2020-05-07 15:41:21,123] [9793/MainThread] [WARNING] [tensorflow] From /Users/vinhtran/Library/DataScienceStudio/dss_home/code-envs/python/Python27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/ops/ calling __init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.resource_variable_ops) with constraint is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: If using Keras pass *_constraint arguments to layers. [2020-05-07 15:41:21,339] [9793/MainThread] [INFO] [] END - Fitting model Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/", line 47, in serve ret = api_command(arg) File "/Applications/", line 45, in aux [2020/05/07-15:41:21.339] [MRT-1879] [INFO] [] - Check result for nullity exceptionIfNull=true result=null return api(**kwargs) File "/Applications/", line 453, in train_prediction_keras pipeline.generated_features_mapping) File "/Applications/", line 437, in prediction_train_model_keras generated_features_mapping) File "/Applications/", line 86, in get_keras_model check_model_output_dimension(model, prediction_type, target_map, modeling_params) File "/Applications/", line 154, in check_model_output_dimension "It is currently: {}".format(len(target_map), output_shape[-1])) ValueError: For this multiclass classification problem, output of Deep Learning Architecture must have a dimension equal to 224 (number of classes). It is currently: 1 [2020/05/07-15:41:21.499] [KNL-python-single-command-kernel-monitor-1883] [INFO] [dku.kernels] - Process done with code 0 [2020/05/07-15:41:21.500] [KNL-python-single-command-kernel-monitor-1883] [INFO] [] - Destroying API ticket for analysis-ml-TEMPERATURE-afTttfu on behalf of admin [2020/05/07-15:41:21.500] [MRT-1879] [INFO] [dku.kernels] - Getting kernel tail [2020/05/07-15:41:21.501] [MRT-1879] [INFO] [dku.kernels] - Trying to enrich exception: Failed to train : <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> : For this multiclass classification problem, output of Deep Learning Architecture must have a dimension equal to 224 (number of classes). It is currently: 1 from kernel com.dataiku.dip.analysis.coreservices.AnalysisMLKernel@313b0caf process=null pid=?? retcode=0 [2020/05/07-15:41:21.501] [MRT-1879] [WARN] [] - Training failed Failed to train : <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> : For this multiclass classification problem, output of Deep Learning Architecture must have a dimension equal to 224 (number of classes). It is currently: 1 at at$AsyncResult.checkException( at$AsyncResult.get( at$ at at
Before I trained the models, I noticed warning of classes greater than 50.
The error says that for this multiclass classification problem, output of Deep Learning Architecture must have a dimension equal to 224 (number of classes). And in your code it is currently: 1
I think it's because you need to select Regression instead of Multiclass model in Basic > Target settings. -
I still get the same error when selecting the Multiclass model .
I also noticed that it errors out with the where nan is not defined. I tried something where I deleted the and when I hit the train button, I get the same exact error even when the file is deleted. I think there is something corrupted in the memory is there a way to clear it?