How to embed a specific view of the DSS Flow Once Filters and Tags are Applied?

kathyqingyuxu Neuron, Registered, Neuron 2022 Posts: 46 Neuron

Hello everyone,

Our team is trying to leverage different views from a Dataiku flow through the filtering capability in conjunction with tags. Our overall goal is to be able to showcase the specific flow/connections between data sets to end users who might only be interested in 1 portion of the flow (ex: flow X is tagged w/ product A and product B; some of the end users are only interested in product A). To make the end user engagement more seamless one of the avenues we are testing is being able to embed specific DSS views once the tags and filters are applied into our data catalogue. When we tried this on our end using an iframe, the view that we see is just the overall view, not the tagged, and/or filtered view.

Does anyone know if there are any ways we can go about embedding DSS views once specific filters/tags have been applied? Is there any way we would be able to embed only the flow and not the other portions of the web page, but still allow an end user to click onto components of the flow to provide a more seamless integration with our data catalogue?




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