In a split recipe, how to split on an string value coming in an interger type column ?
I am trying to split a dataset into two based on an id column (most values in it are numbers) which also have
string values(some names) coming in from the source. I want to split the good data(where id are numbers) into dataset 1 and all invalid id value rows into dataset 2. How can I do this ?
if I am using the split recipe it is automatically taking id column as integer and shows only logical operations in the dropdown (ex: ==, <= and it not allowing me to type in String value or Regex match
example of data values in id column
you can use the mode where you define filters for the "good" dataset and the "bad" dataset, with filters defined as formulas. For example, with an id column named "a", this gives:
Thank you Frederic for quick reply, is there a way to implement Regex to implement that filter?
Because in case if there are any kind of non-numeric values coming into that column(ex: alphanumeric, only string values , spaces, nulls e.t.c) I want to filter all such bad data out as bad data in one shot and all numeric values (ex; Regex ^/d+$ ) would go to the good dataset